In Texas, your ESI ID identifies the physical address where you get electricity. It’s a unique 15 or 22-digit number assigned to the electricity meter for your house, apartment, or business. If your property has more than one meter, you’ll have an ESI ID for each.
ESI IDs aren’t listed on meters. To find yours, search here or check on your electricity bill.
Doing anything with your electricity requires an ESI ID. If you live in a deregulated market, you’ll need the ESI ID to find retail providers in your area, shop renewable plans, enroll in new service, or even ask for a new meter.
If you live in a deregulated area of TX, meaning you get to choose your electricity supplier, then you will need an ESID. How do you know if you live in a deregulated area? Check out this map:
If you live in an area that is serviced by the following suppliers then you do NOT need an ESI ID: El Paso Electric, Southwestern Public Service Company, Entergy Texas, and Southwestern Electric Power Company.
If you live in an area that is serviced by municipally-owned electric utilities and electric cooperatives you will need to contact them directly to see if you need/have an ESI ID. Check out this list to see if you fall into this category.
Your builder should request the meter/ESI from the TDU (aka your utility company).You can also always contact the TDU yourself at 800-818-6132.
If you live in an apartment complex and you are trying to set up or switch to a new electricity plan, you may need to contact your property manager to get your ESI ID.
You can typically find your ESI ID on your electricity bill listed under your account number. Check out this blog post for examples and more information.
If your search for an ESI ID results in “Inactive Meter” or “No Address Found,” you’ll need to contact your local utility company.
An inactive meter means the ESI ID you searched is retired. In this case, you’ll need a new one assigned. “No Address Found” usually means you’re in a new building or ongoing construction. You will need to get your meter set, then eventually get a permanent meter.