National Grid is a leading electricity and natural gas utility company that operates in Massachusetts. The company serves approximately 1.3 million electric customers and 900,000 natural gas customers in the state, making it the largest utility company in Massachusetts. National Grid operates and maintains the electric transmission and distribution system, as well as the natural gas distribution system in the state. The company has a strong commitment to clean energy and has invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, to reduce its carbon footprint. National Grid also offers energy efficiency programs for its customers to help them save money on their energy bills. The company has a 24/7 customer service center to ensure that its customers have access to support whenever they need it.
National Grid's energy comes from natural gas, solar, other fossil, biomass, and hydroelectric. Natural Gas is the largest source of electricity, providing 61% of National Grid's energy. Solar is the second largest source, making up 15%. Other Fossil provides 11% of National Grid's electricity. Biomass provides 9% of National Grid's electricity. Hydroelectric provides 4% of National Grid's electricity.
Natural Gas
Other Fossil
The average electricity rate for National Grid customers is 24.92 cents/kWh. National Grid has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.
Rate Name | Rate Type | Cost Per kWh |
R-2 Low Income Residential | Fixed | 16¢ |
R-2 Low Income Residential Farm Discount | Fixed | 11¢ |
Regular Residential Rate | Fixed | 18¢ |
The price to compare for National Grid is 16.05¢. Rates are based on an estimated usage of 1,150 kWh per month.Update usage.
Provider | Plan | Rate Per kWh | Plan Length | ||
Constellation Energy | 9 Month Home Power Plan cheapestcheapest <12 months | 12.29¢ | 9 months | Choose Plan | |
Direct Energy | Go Green Lights TO 7 cheapest renewable | 13.49¢ | 7 months | Choose Plan | |
Constellation Energy | 12 Month Home Power Plan cheapest 12 months | 13.99¢ | 12 months | Choose Plan | |
Constellation Energy | 24 Month Home Power Plan cheapest 13+ months | 14.99¢ | 24 months | Choose Plan | |
Constellation Energy | 24 Month Green Home Power Plan | 15.39¢ | 24 months | Choose Plan |
In 2021, the average National Grid customer lost electricity one time for a duration of 374 minutes. In total, the average National Grid customer had their electricity out for about 472 minutes during the whole year.
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